23/12/2019 Posted by quantri
Location details


Date Submitted: 23-12-2019 | End date:
Industry Specialization :
Type of Employment : Permanent
Minimum Experience : 2 years
Work Location : Central Singapore

Duties & Responsibilities:
• Conduct Physiotherapy (PT) Assessment and identify the PT needs of clients
• Work with Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) to develop, implement and review
clients’ individualized careplans (ICP) and PT programmes
• Work with clients on an individual or group basis, depending on their level of
physical functioning and needs, and monitor their progress closely
• Assess and prescribe assistive devices for clients, as and when required
• Participate in discussions of client-related issues with caregivers and MDT and
provide updates on the clients’ progress and status
• Document and maintain clients’ records in the multi-disciplinary notes
• Conduct in-house training and on-the-job programmes for staff and caregivers
• Conduct home assessment and provide home-based intervention, where
required, including recommendations on appropriate environmental
• Assist with the planning and implementation of Centre’s events
• Carry out any other duties and responsibilities as and when assigned by the Centre
• Degree or Diploma in Physiotherapy and recognized by the Allied Health
Professional Council
• At least 2 years of relevant experience
• Trained in dementia/dementia care
• Good interpersonal skills & Good in handling seniors
• Ability to work independently
• Detailed, thorough and systematic